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Scrum Master

Scrum Master Course Content

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Welcome aspring Scrum Master This compreshensive training program is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skiils needed to excel in the rolw of scrum Master, Throughtout this course, you will dive deep into the fundamental prinicipal, roles, and pratices of scrum, gaining praticals insights throught intreactive exercises, real-world, case studies, and-on learing opportunites.

  • Anybody can take up this online training course and get trained in scrum master .
  •  Basics would be the ideal.

About Techehost.

Techehost is designed to provide high-quality, flexible and accessible learning opportunities to help you develop the skills you need to advance your career or pursue your personal interests. We offer a range of courses, taught by industry experts, that cover a wide variety of topics and are designed to fit your schedule and learning style. Our online learning environment is user-friendly and allows you to interact with instructors and other learners in real-time, enabling you to get the support you need to succeed. Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, enhance your knowledge or take your career to the next level, our online training website is the perfect place to start.

Key Learning Objectives:

1.Understand the core principles of the scrum framework and its iterative approach to software development
2.Explore the roles and responsibilities of scrum master, including servant leadership, facilitation and coaching
3.Learn how to effectively facilitate Scrum events, including sprint planning, daily stand- ups, sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives
4.Gain insights into buding and managing high- performing scrum teams, fostering collaboration, and resolving conflicts.
5. discover best pratices for managing products backlogs, refining user stories, and priotizing work
6.master the art of removing impediments and enabling the team to achieve its sprint goals efficiently
7.Develops strategies for measuring and improving team performance using scrum metrics and feedback loops

Training Methology:

1.Interactive Exercises: Engage in Hands-on Activities and simulations to reinforce key concepts and priniciples
2.real-World Case studies: Analyze real-life scenarios and learn from successful (and not- so successful) implementation of scrum in various industries
3.Group discussion: participate in group discussion to exchange insight, share experiences and brainstorm solution to common challenges
4.Role-playing: practice scrum master roles and responsibilities through role-playing exercises, enhancing our facilitation and coaching skills
5.pratical assignments: apply your learning to real-world and responsibilities thought role-playing exercises, enhancing your facilitation and coaching skills
6.Mentorship: Receive guidance and feedback from experienced scrum master who will support your learning journey

By the end of this training program, you will emerge as a confident and capable scrum master, ready to lead teams to success in their journey

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 30 hrs
Lectures: 13
Video: 25
Level: Intermediate
Scrum Master
₹20,000 ₹18,000

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