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Creating a Private Blockchain with MultiChain

Defining MultiChain and describing its various streams, creating and deploying a private Blockchain, explaining how to connect to Blockchain, identifying MultiChain interactive mode, defining the Transaction Metadata, listing Native assets, streams and mining, Bitcoin to private Blockchain, the hand-shake process, the aim of MultiChain, various use cases of MultiChain; MultiChain permission and assets, the basics of retrieving from streams, consensus model, MultiChain flexibility, deployment options, speed and scalability, downloading and installing, initializing and connecting to Blockchain from a second server, connection permission, creating a new address, permission to create assets, new assets, native assets, connected peers, checking asset balance, verifying transactions, and resending assets.

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Hyperledger Understanding Hyperledger Blockchain and Hyperledger consensus algorithm, explaining Hyperledger Iroha, identifying different Hyperledger components, learning about Channels, Policies, and Chaincodes, listing various Hyperledger Explorer components, defining Hyperledger Composer, Hyperledger introduction: what is Hyperledger? distributed ledger technology and its challenges, Hyperledger Fabric Developer Environment tools, their usage, and their setup on: Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Ubuntu, AWS, and Cloud virtual machines, Development Environment topologyFabric Under Hood: concepts and terminologies, ledger implementation; Dev Environment walkthrough: Orderer and CA Server, Peer and CouchDB setup, Peer nodes: Anchor Peers, and Endorsing Peers, Client nodes, Orderer nodes, Endorsement Policies, Membership Service Provider and Certification Authority, and Chaincode Development.,

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